一是有排水地下通道。二是有非机动车道和人行道(也可以非机动车道与人行道合并使用)。三是要有照明设备即路灯。只有这样才能保障人、车和其他方面的安全。而不具备这些条件的公路,如果擅自修上路肩石,只有一个“美观”这一个优点,其余全是害处。首先,白花钱。其次,下雨时阻挡排水,路面和路基一旦进水,经重型车辆碾压,很容易破坏路井盖钢模具 U型槽模具 天津水处理设备 检查井钢模具 保定公司注册 u型槽模具 流水槽模具 面,下雪如不及时清扫危害更大。第三,公路没有把机动车道和非机动车道、人行隔离开,一旦机动车辆靠边行驶,不要说行人和自行车,就是小型机动车也无处避让大车,很容易出现重大交通事故。
First, there is a drainage underpass. Second, there are non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks (or the combination of non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks). The third is to have lighting equipment, that is, street lights. Only in this way can people, cars and other aspects of safety be guaranteed. For roads without these conditions, if you are good at self repairing shoulder stones, there is only one "beautiful" advantage, and the rest are all harmful. First, for nothing. Secondly, when it rains, the drainage will be blocked. Once the pavement and subgrade enter into the water and are rolled by heavy vehicles, it is easy to damage the pavement. If the snow is not cleaned in time, it is more harmful. Third, the road does not separate the motor vehicle lane from the non motor vehicle lane and pedestrian. Once the motor vehicle drives alongside, let alone the pedestrian and bicycle, even the small motor vehicle has no place to avoid the big vehicle, which is easy to cause major traffic accidents


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